YEAR 12 - NCEA Level 2
← HomeYear 12 students will enter NCEA Level 2, or a combination of Levels 1 and 2.
Students will study 6 subjects for NCEA Level 2. In order to qualify for a Level 2 National Certificate, students must gain at least 80 credits, at least 60 of which must be at Level 2 or higher.
To undertake many post-school options, Level 2 Literacy is required. This consists of 10 credits from specific standards, 5 of which must be in Reading and 5 in Writing. Check with your English teacher for details.
Students, with assistance from Small Group Leaders, teachers, academic advisors, careers advisors and parents will select the course to best meet their needs.
- Students study a total of 6 subjects – but must select 8 subjects to ensure timetable fit. Please select in order of preference, with your first subject being the one that you most want to do.
- There are no compulsory subjects, but English and Mathematics are strongly recommended.
- It is strongly recommended that students select a balance between Arts and Science/Maths subjects to ensure flexibility should their career aspirations alter in the future.
- Students selecting any National Certificate Course must complete 12ENG2 or 13ENG2. These courses offer standards required to complete National Certificates AND meet NCEA Level 2 Literacy requirements.
- As a guideline, students will not be able to take more than 2 subjects from the same learning area, e.g. only 2 subjects from Engineering Skills, Building Construction, or Automotive are allowed.
If there is a possibility that a student will go to University or Polytechnic to complete a degree course, or if he/she has the ability and desire to study at the highest level, they should consider the following guidelines:
- Five of the subjects must be from the ‘Approved Subject List’. This will prepare them for the rigours of University study in the future.