Te Puke High School Te Puke High School

L2 Automotive Engineering

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Phil Appelman.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry

This course is designed for students who have an interest in motor vehicles or the automotive industry. The course includes hands-on experience, written theory, and tests. Industry Unit Standards are used for assessment purposes. Students are equipped with effective means for investigating interpreting and explaining. These standards are recognised as part of an apprenticeship. Students will build a mini-motorbike frame and assemble the engine, wheels, and brakes.

A prerequisite of this course is the purchase of the mini-motor kit (approx $350).

All students are required to adhere to Health and Safety Work Act 2016, which includes wearing covered footwear at all times.

Students can only choose either AUT22 or ENS22, not both.

Learning Areas:



L3 Automotive Engineering

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$350 Mini Motor Kit